Friday, April 05, 2013

Bad Doggy Breath Can Be Dangerous

Importance of Good Oral Health for Your Dog

Video by Dr. Sarah, Life's Abundance Staff Veternarian
When you think ‘dog breath’, what comes to mind?

Does your dog have a chronic case of ‘dog breath’? If so, she’s in good company, as it’s currently estimated that 80% of companion animals over age three suffer from ‘yuck mouth’. 

What many pet parents don’t realize is that dental disease isn’t restricted to the mouth but can indirectly impact the heart, kidneys, intestinal tract and joints. If your companion’s dental hygiene hasn’t been a priority, then you should definitely watch the episode of Pet Talk with Dr. Sarah.

Dr. Sarah shares her insights and helpful tips to prepare you and your companion animal for a lifetime of better dental health. Sarah covers all the basics, from what products your furr kid will need to help achieve oral health, why a well-thought-out regimen is necessary for maintaining health throughout the body, how a better approach to dental health can help minimize pain, and much more.

Take time out to learn just how easy it is to combat bad breath and defeat dental disease. A few minutes now may prove to be one of your best investments towards the long-term health and well-being of your dear companion. Thanks for watching!

The Treats that Dr. Sarah is talking about can be purchased directly from Life's Abundance.

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