Thursday, March 01, 2012

How Much Profit Does Big Pet Food Make

How much Profit Does Big Pet Food Make?

Recently, Pedigree Dog Food Sponsored a full episode of The View.  Just after the 2012 Westminister Dog Show, The View featured a dog show - so to speak - featuring shelter pets and rescues.  During the hour daytime show, each co-host said the words "presented by Pedigree" and the show even coined the word 'muttigree'.  They seemed to go overboard mentioning the Pedigree sponsor of the show which got to me wondering.  I wonder what it cost Pedigree to sponsor The View's hour show.

A 20 pound bag of Pedigree Dog Food costs $18.99 on  Less than $1.00 per pound retail price.

How many pounds of dog food would need to sell in order to sponsor a National television show like The View?

Advertising rates for national television shows aren't readily available.  What I did find is 30 second ad rates for national primetime television.  As example, in 2006-2007, a 30 second commercial aired during the Wednesday evening broadcast of American Idol cost $620,000.  A 30 second commercial in 2006-2007 during Dancing with the Stars cost $229,000. Media Guru - responded to the question "As a ball park figure how much would it cost to sponsor a prime time TV show?"  The Media Guru stated "Current :30 network rates may range from $30,000 to $600,000.  A ballpark estimate for a hour's sponsorship might range from $400,000 to $10,000,000." 

We don't know what it cost Pedigree to sponsor The View, but it is safe to assume it cost them a great deal of money.

By the way, Pedigree ingredients include meat and bone meal and animal fat - two of four ingredients determined by FDA testing to be linked to euthanized animals. 

Click Here for entire article.


Today's post suggested by Food Reserves and Food Storage by GoFoods Global, and Life's Abundance Pet Food
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